Living Water Community Clinic is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Donate online or by mail
You may mail us a check made out to Living Water Community Clinic. Checks can be mailed to:
Living Water Community Clinic
P.O. Box 583
Locust Grove, VA 22508
Matching Gifts
Many employers match a portion or all of their employees’ charitable donations. If you provide us with information about your employers matching gift program, we are happy to complete any necessary paperwork.
Accept Referrals
If you are interested in accepting Free Clinic referrals to your primary care, dental practice or specialized medical practice by providing free services for Free Clinic patients please contact Debbie McInnis at [email protected] or by calling the Clinic on 540.854.5922.
Medical Supplies
The Free Clinic accepts donations of unused or unopened medical supplies and equipment. Click Here to be taken to a page listing our medical equipment and supply needs or call the Clinic at 540.854.5922.
A tax-deductible receipt will be sent to donors. Thank you for your generous donation.
In compliance with Virginia state law, the Free Clinic cannot accept any donations of medications.